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長度:3 hours 24 mins

當和摯愛的家人發生衝突時, 如何有效地將所學的靈性知識運用其中 & 跨年演唱會.9

The Conflict and resolutions of acquiring new values on the spiritual path and visiting our beloved families. 




  • 學習如何應用溝通和置於中心的技巧,以便在可能的衝突下還能享受並積極地影響家庭聚會的氣氛。





In this course we will discuss the inherent conflicts when family traditions and habits conflict with spiritual values arising from the practice of Kundalini yoga. This is a phenomenon experienced across all cultures on earth. It is both real, and it is an illusion. We will discuss together how it manifests and how we can, as Yoga practitioners, transcend the conflict, and represent ourselves with full radiance and love, and learn how to both educate, liberate and serve our families, in spite of past patterns and possible negativity.

In this class we will:

  • Learn how to apply techniques of communication and centering to be able to enjoy and positively influence family gatherings despite possible conflicts.
  • We will practice a Shabd that has the power to liberate 7 generations before us and the seven generations to follow.
  • Practice to build the habits of forgiveness and compassion (yes, these are spiritual muscles that we can exercise and strengthen) that allow us to follow the main principal of the Aquarian Age. “Know that the other person is you!”
  • We will practice meditations that will give us the ultimate superpower of patience. Patience pays!
  • We will practice meditations that will give you an edge over another person.

當和摯愛的家人發生衝突時, 如何有效地將所學的靈性知識運用其中 & 跨年演唱會.9

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